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2 kgs
2 kgs
2 kgs
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1.8 kgs5.4 kgs17 kgs
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Pack of 48Pack of 24Pack of 12
Pack of 6Pack of 12
Pack of 48Pack of 24Pack of 12
1.5 kgs10 kgs
Pack of 6Pack of 12
6.8 kgs1.1 kgs
Pack of 6Pack of 12
2 kgs4 kgs

Products for cats: cat food, toys, grooming, and health items Is a cat currently in charge of your heart and home? If so, you have come to the right place. We have all the supplies you may need to keep your cat (or cats) content, from a range of delicious cat food choices to a selection of toys, cat grooming products, cat litter, and more. Cats are devoted, delightful companions who demand perfection. But who doesn't have one or two oddities? This is why we make an effort to provide you with a wide selection of cat goods so you may select the ones that are ideal for your furry friend. You can pick from a selection of cat litter that includes clumping unscented, scented, and eco-friendly tofu alternatives. Additionally, you can select a different litter box design based on how much privacy your cat prefers. Keep in mind that cats dislike sharing litter trays, so if you have more than one cat at home, you should have separate litter trays for each. Litter tray cleaning tools make this regular task considerably simpler. The two types of cat food are both well-liked. Cats don't consume a lot of water. Therefore, the moisture in wet food is beneficial to them. Remember that cats also require snacks! There are numerous tasty treats you may give your pet, from Orijen to Me-O. Although cats are most frequently seen stretched out and sleeping, they do like to play games with their people. Cat wands are frequently a favourite and can be used to play an engaging game with their people. The cat wand's shape appeals to your cat's natural hunting instincts, encouraging them to stalk and pounce on the dangling 'prey.' They enjoy using cat trees as well. They can hide in the cubbyholes and take naps on the velvet-covered platforms, using the scratching posts to sharpen their claws. If you have multiple cats, they love to chase each other around the house. Online cat supplies: Why pick Vetco? With our strong customer service staff, great loyalty programme, and the best pet parenting companions available, coupled with our unique, one-of-a-kind cat supplies online, shopping for cat supplies online with Vetco is undoubtedly a wonderful experience.